
Chronology - General

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The early part of this chronology relied extensively on the book entitled "A History of the Marconi Company" by W.J. Baker in 1970.




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1929 Reappraisal by Marconi after the BBC granted Baird certain transmission facilities for experimental television  
1929 Radio receivers were manufactured by Marconiphone which was subsequently sold to the Gramophone Company  
1930 A television research group was established within Marconi to investigate the commercial possibilitiers and to register patents from which useful licence revenue might be derived.  
1931 The Gramophone Company became EMI and produced domestic and radio receivers using the Marconiphone trademark. Subsequently, from about 1936, they provided television receivers for the Marconi-EMI system also using the Marconiphone trademark.  
1932 The first practical results from the research group were demonstrated when low definition signals were transmitted from Chelmsford to Australia on a wavelength of 26 metres. These tests were carried out with the collaboration of Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd..  
1934 Marconi's television interests were merged with those of EMI Ltd in a company called Marconi-EMI Television Co in which Marconi's was responsible for all aspect of transmission http://www.gracesguide.co.uk/Marconi's_Wireless_Telegraph_Co
1935 A BBC committee of inquiry prompted a side-by-side trial between Marconi's all-electronic television system, which worked on 405 lines to Baird's 240. Marconi won, and in 1937 Baird's system was dropped.




Picture of the "head" used by Logie Baird here

1936 The Marconi-EMI system was adopted by the BBC for its public high definition television service - the first in the world - broadcasting from Alexandra Palace. http://www.gracesguide.co.uk/Marconi's_Wireless_Telegraph_Co
1936 to 1939 Only 2000 licences were issued during this period questionning the viability of television  
1939 to 1945 Marconi suspended all television developments and focussed on meeting the war effort  

The decision was taken to go into production with television studio equipment.


English Electric takeover of Marconi. One of the consequences of this was the reconstitution of the Marconi valve laboratory as the English Electric Valve (EEV) Company.

1947 Development started on the image orthicon camera tube  
1948 The Marconi-EMI alliance was dissolved. This was primarily due to EMI actively moving into the Marconi home ground - the transmitter market - and became a competitor.  
1948 The Broadcasting Division was formed  
1949 Marconi demonstrated the world's first public demonstration of 625-line large screen television at the International Television Exhibition in Milan.  

The BBC accepted the MkIB camera.


Television spanned the English Channel and the first air-to-ground television broadcast from an aircraft in flight took place. Marconi image orthicon cameras were used on both occasions.

1950 The MkII camera was developed for studio use. It included 4-lens turret, an electronic viewfinder and a 3" image orthicon manufactured by EEV.  
1951 Marconi equipped the Holme Moss television station with the world's most powerful transmitters  
1953 The BBC awarded Marconi the contract to replace the original (1936) transmitter at Alexandra Palace with one providing 200Kw ERP (Effective Radiated Power) which made it the world's most powerful Band I transmitter.  
1954 The MkIII camera became available with a 4½" image orthicon based on work being done by RCA. There were major reliability issues and the 3" image orthicon was substituted. The following year the 4½" image orthicon problems were resolved.  
1954 The Independent Television Authority (ITA) was set up by the Postmaster General and placed orders on Marconi for three vision transmitters and three sound transmitters operating in Band III. The first of these became operational in Croydon 12 months later.  
1962  In July the Telstar satellite was used for a successful broadcast between the USA and UK, followed in the September by a successful experimental colour broadcast.  Marconi cameras were used at both ends of the transmission path. A History of The Marconi Company by W.J. Baker 







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